Creative Director/Copywriter
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Gap: 1969 Stream

1969 Stream


Back when Pinterest was just a twinkle in the founders’ eyes, and the iPad was 5 weeks from its first release, Gap was offered the chance to be one of the first apps in Apple’s iPad app store. We didn’t know how people would use this newfangled device but figured it was a great chance to invent a new way to shop. For jeans. So we made 1969 Stream: an “ever-updating” (by us, manually) visual tapestry of style, with outfits and looks that all cross-referenced a different type of Gap denim. It took a massive amount of interdisciplinary teamwork (2 creatives, 1 UX person, 2 back-end and 1 front-end dev) to make it happen, but somehow we got it done in time for the iPad launch.